The Party

SUBJECT: Consent & Sexual Coersion
Audience Age: Grades 12 / College
Audience Size: Max 300
Audience Size: Max 300
The Party addresses the issues associated with consent, sexual coercion, and assault. Audiences will witness a deep look into the very real stories that occur on college campuses and learn about the power and necessity of consent.
Tip: We recommend not showing this play at the end of a day, on a Friday or before a school break. It is impactful and we want kids to be able to talk to guidance counselors if it triggers anything or brings on any epiphanies about their own lives or relationships.
Learning Outcomes:
- Defining sexual assault
- Defining consent
- Learn how to stay safe on campus
- Understand what coercive behavior is and looks like
- How to be safe at a party
- How to feel safe after an assault
- Noonlight
- Information for parents so they are informed as well