Remote Control

SUBJECT: Dating Violence
Audience Age: Grades 7 – 12 + College/Military
Audience Size: Max 300
Audience Size: Max 300
Remote Control uses humor, drama, and interactive segments to explore issues , attitudes and beliefs about relationships. It will motivate audiences to take action to prevent relationship violence while teaching them strategies to intervene effectively. It highlights how bystanders and friends play a pivotal role in preventing abuse (College & Military: Subject is Sexual Assault).
Tip: We recommend not showing this play at the end of a day, on a Friday or before a school break. It is impactful and we want kids to be able to talk to guidance counselors if it triggers anything or brings on any epiphanies about their own lives or relationships.
Learning Outcomes:
- Recognize the early signs of dating violence
- Learn about the abuse cycle
- Techniques for safely ending abusive relationships
- Learn what you should and shouldn’t do as a bystander
- Information for parents so they are informed as well
- Resources