
“Their services are amazing. Totally recommended!”
“Growing my business has never been that easy. Thank you guys!”
“Deana’s Educational Theater delivers a powerful message of violence prevention to students from all backgrounds. I highly recommend these programs to anyone who wants to make a difference.”
Det. Lt. James Pierce
Winchester MA Police Dept.“The use of Deana’s Educational Theater has been a part of the Fort Sill Family Advocacy’s Child Safety Education Program over the past two years. Over 5,000 military affiliated students have been impacted by Deana’s Educational Theater’ s dating violence and bullying prevention programs.”
David Carnaham
Army Community Service, Fort Sill Army Base
Fort Sill OK“I’ve worked with Deana’s Educational Theater for the past five years. The plays are incredibly effective, and the fact that my own students perform and teach younger students has made this a powerful learning tool for young children and teens in the Cambridge Schools. I highly recommend Deana’s Educational Theater to any school.”
Eileen Taxe Levine STARS Advisor
Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School
Cambridge MA“Teachers and students developed a common language, and we saw an increase in disclosures after the bully prevention plays and teacher training. We witnessed incredibly powerful effects that lasted throughout the year.”
Ilyse Frische
Manchester Memorial School
Manchester MA“New Hope for Women, the Domestic Violence Resource Center serving Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties in Maine, has partnered with Deana’s Educational Theater for 11+ years. In addition to being
well prepared, the actors are adept at capturing the imagination of the
audience and engaging students in important discussions after the
performances. Our schools have been eager to welcome this
collaboration into their auditoriums year after year because they recognize the need for relevant messaging on bullying and dating violence – Deana’s Educational Theater delivers that time and time
again. New Hope for Women looks forward to continue working with DET to bring more performances to Maine in the future.”Lisa Couture
Youth Educator
New Hope for Women
“Deana’s Educational Theater performances and classroom workshops have helped us to be more aware of what our students are experiencing. As a result, I’m more direct in asking children to come to us and let us know when they’re having trouble with a situation. We’re all communicating more effectively about bullying behaviors in and around our school.”
Janis Rennie Principal
Great Oaks Elementary School
Danvers MA“Our students found it informative and enjoyable and the actors were very talented and professional. The after show discussion brought it all together for us.”
Danielle Bailey
Social Worker
Clinton MA
“Deana’s Educational Theater was extremely helpful in assisting the New Bedford Police in implementing a Bullying Prevention Program. I would strongly recommend Doin’ the Right Thing! to any organization. The trainings for police officers, teachers and parents were helpful and professionally done.”
Lt. J. Cordeiro
New Bedford Police Department“Each performance was geared to the eye of the students. The teachers were very impressed with all of it. They gave a great 7th grade performance. We plan on having them back next year!”
Nancy Spaulding
Bourne, MADanielle Bailey
Social Worker
Clinton MA“Doin the Right Thing! is the best thing that has ever happened at our school since I’ve been here.”
Leila Jackson, Lewis School
Boston MA
“The play itself was rich and complex, but very comprehensible at the same time–and very engaging. Thank you to all of the performers and everyone at Deana’s Educational Theater for creating an excellent educational event on a topic that is so important for teens.”
Kristen La Mont
Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School
Waltham MA“We need to get across messages that dating violence is about power and control – your play did that very effectively! …I would recommend Deana’s Educational Theater to any domestic violence project in the country.”
Ben Zeman – Community Educator
Women’s Protective Services
Framingham MA“The performance was excellent…The performance is what opened the door to our students thinking carefully before finding themselves in hurtful or dangerous relationships.”
Lyman Goding – Principal
Plymouth Middle School
Plymouth MA“We have had “Remote Control” for our 8th grade for many years and the production and discussion have always been well received by the students, faculty and community. It is a valuable learning experience
for our students.”Joseph Quinton – Guidance Counselor
Athol Royalston Middle School
“I would like to thank you for such a great performance that you gave us. You made me think of a lot of things. I was in an abusive relationship and it was real hard for me to get out. I was alone. I didn’t tell my mom because I didn’t want to worry her… he smacked me like twice but a lot more times he threw things and would say, ‘You’re lucky you’re a girl.’ I thought he was gonna change but he didn’t. I had to get out of it myself. I thank God I’m still alive.”
North High School
Worcester, MA“The Yellow Dress is a classic. It’s important that every student experiences this intense, educational program that enhances their understanding about relationships and prepares them for life. I’ve seen it many times and am still deeply moved – and I see its effect on my students each year. We show it to all freshmen every year.”
Nancy Spaulding
Bourne, MA“…truly outstanding…a compelling portrait of the reasons we must address relationship violence in a comprehensive approach.”
Leila Jackson, Lewis School
Boston MA“I first saw The Yellow Dress at a Presbytery meeting, and was so moved that I wrote a grant proposal to bring the production to the Phillipsburg area in the hopes of reaching folks in a somewhat low socioeconomic area with this important message. We had 95 people in our sanctuary the night of the event, mostly teens. You could hear a pin drop! It was just as powerful for me the second time as it was the first. I have heard feedback from some other groups that the performance led to good discussions.”
Barbara Smith
Pilgrim Presbyterian Church
Phillipsburg NJI wanted to thank you for all your help in our bringing the Yellow Dress to our College. We had about 175 in attendance (which is great for this campus!). Your actress was WONDERFUL!!! I have seen this performance before and she really captured the essence of it. The President of the college was in attendance and was very impressed with the actresses ability to engage the students in the Q & A portion. I have heard so much great feedback since the show ended and a number of students that have disclosed their own situation.
Massasoit Community College
My daughter and I were at the performance of The Yellow Dress today and found it to be extremely moving, touching and heartbreaking beautiful. Both of us, having been in these types of relationship were reduced to tears from the heartfelt performance. Considering the importance of the topic, to see your actress present with grace and elegance truly touched our souls.
Mother & Daughter Audience Members
Brockton MA“Each year, our school schedules the Yellow Dress performance for our Junior class. We believe the delivery of a sensitive but imperative topic has greatly benefited our students. The interactive program captures the interest of students, who spend time discussing what they think, asking questions and giving feedback. The methods Deana’s
Educational Theater use to deliver their message and promote kindness, and their discussion of the role of a bystander, are reasons I recommend this organization to other professionals in educational
settings. The value of the program is priceless.”Kerri Murphy – Adviser
Oliver Ames S.A.D.D. Chapter“The Yellow Dress showed made a huge impact on my classmates. I feel it started the dialogue on teenage dating violence with many of the students. A few weeks later one student told me how moved she was by
the show and thanked me for bringing the program to our school. Dating violence is a huge problem in high schools and I hope to bring the show to more of our county high schools.”Carolina Cassedy
Class of 2018 Robinson High School“This is the second year we have performed the Yellow Dress for our sophomore students. Denise is outstanding, not only as the actress performing the Yellow Dress, but here ability to engage the audience and facilitate a discussion on such a highly charged and sensitive topic. Students leave with new perspectives and tangible tools for helping someone in a unhealthy relationship or themselves!”
Kimberly Zemo, LCSW
District Safe School Climate Coordinator